Road to Fitness: Insanity Workout
I have been perpetually trying to lose weight. Going on diets on and off forever, running, jogging, swimming, and more. I have been very thin way back in elementary. And then I gained weight in high school. Then I lost a lot of weight when I entered college because I got sick. And then I gained weight again. It’s like an endless cycle of thin-fat-thin-fat. And now, I’m just fat.
Food is just too yummy to say ‘No’ to. 🙂 And then I realized that I’m already having a hard time fitting into my clothes. Plus, I get comments everyday from people around me telling me that I’m already gaining weight.
I think it’s time to take control of the situation and be more conscious of what I eat. I am a carb lover. I love rice, pasta, cakes, pastries, etc. That is why I am lessening my carb intake slowly.
Anyway, I came across this fitness video called “INSANITY“.
Insanity is a workout regimen similar to P90X in that it claims to improve fitness in 60 days through strenuous stamina training. Developed by Shaun T., Insanity’s advertising emphasizes “max interval training”, a method of exercising during which one works out strenuously for 3–4 minutes and then rests or “cools down” for approximately 30 seconds before starting the whole process over again. This is more intense than traditional interval training, during which participants alternate mild and strenuous exercise for roughly equal lengths of time. This program promotes noticeably results through core strength, as well as intense cardio training.
Insanity is brought to us by Beachbody, the same fitness corporation that brought us P90x and Hip Hop Abs.
I tried Insanity last night and it was sooo intense. I stopped halfway because I couldn’t finish it anymore. I was literally panting and my heart rate was going so fast. Insanity is not for the faint-hearted. I believe I would be able to finish it if I wasn’t so tired from work. This work schedule that we have is just not conducive to any fitness regimen. That’s why you’d see most employees gaining weight while in the company.
Maybe we should start a fitness program or something… Like an hour after work devoted to exercise. 🙂
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Chloe Dalmacio
First off – I was reading the FB comments related to this post and I have to say, you have really great skin color. You should be proud of it. 😉
I can totally relate to your thin-fat-thin-fat cycle! It is frustrating, lalo na kung stress or sickness induced ang kapayatan. 😛 But take your time through it Moe, losing weight doesn’t happen very quickly. It will take a couple of months of persistence before you see any changes in your weight, the way you look or how you feel about yourself. Just keep going at it, be patient, and you’ll be rewarded. 😉
Wag mo bibiglain ang sarili mo! Taking on something too strenuous too soon would only wear you out (and for me, it is not very encouraging). Baka you can do something that you are sure you can do consistently, then raise the difficulty level at the right time. 🙂
Hope this helps, Moe! Good luck 🙂
Jean Monique
Thank you so much for your nice and encouraging words. 🙂
I was darker before. Haha. 🙂 Tipong dark talaga. I’m a bit lighter now and I love my color. 🙂
Yeah, I saw your blog post din about losing weight. Way to go! 🙂 Kaya natin to! Yes, hindi talaga kaya ng biglaan. Kasi pag binigla, I’ll lose weight fast, then gain it back so fast again. Ganon din. :)) So proper diet and exercise talaga ang dapat. Thanks for your tips! 🙂 Love them! I’ll read your comment again pag nawawala na ko sa focus. Haha!