Online Quizzes and Surveys

What's Normal About You… And What's Not?

You Are Fairly Normal
You scored 60% normal on this quiz
Like most people you are normal in some ways…
But you aren’t a completely normal person. You’re a little weird too!
Why You Are Normal:
You prefer a good meal to a good nap
You eat the frosting first
You think glasses can make someone more attractive
You know a lot about a few subjects
If given the choice, you would choose to have more money over more time
Why You Aren’t Normal:
You’d rather have cockroaches than rats in your home
You would not eat meat from a cloned animal
You would rather be a movie star than an astronaut
You prefer your family to your friends
When you’re in a car, you prefer to be the passenger

So I’m fairly normal… I thought I’d be less normal or something, given the fact that I’m a bit uncanny at times. P.S. Yes, I do hate rats. T_T

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