• Fitness

    Road to Fitness: Insanity Workout

    I have been perpetually trying to lose weight. Going on diets on and off forever, running, jogging, swimming, and more. I have been very thin way back in elementary. And then I gained weight in high school. Then I lost…

  • Sophya Libris

    Sophya Libris E-Book Giveaway

    As part of our advocacy to promote reading, Sophya Libris is holding a giveaway… FREE E-BOOK PER EMAIL! All you have to do is: Like our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/SophyaLibris Follow us on Twitter: @JMoniqueSanchez (optional) Send me a message with your…

  • Food

    Purple Oven

    Had a busy but productive day. We had a meeting with Philhealth and UP Manila College of Pharmacy regarding a project. So excited for this project. Been reading a lot too about this. Gonna be super busy for the next…