Health Talk Series: Health Financing and Universal Health Care
Ganch, Sacki, and I attended a forum on “Health Talk Series: Health Financing and Universal Health Care,” an event which is part of The Secretary’s Cup by the Department of Health. The event was held on October 18 at the…
Road to Fitness: Insanity Workout
I have been perpetually trying to lose weight. Going on diets on and off forever, running, jogging, swimming, and more. I have been very thin way back in elementary. And then I gained weight in high school. Then I lost…
Sophya Libris E-Book Giveaway
As part of our advocacy to promote reading, Sophya Libris is holding a giveaway… FREE E-BOOK PER EMAIL! All you have to do is: Like our Facebook page: Follow us on Twitter: @JMoniqueSanchez (optional) Send me a message with your…
New York Times Best Sellers – Combined Print and E-book Fiction (October 14, 2012)
#1 THE CASUAL VACANCY, by J. K. Rowling. (Little, Brown & Company.) The sudden death of a parish councilman reveals bitter social divisions in an idyllic English town; a novel for adults by the creator of Harry Potter. #2 FIFTY SHADES…
Purple Oven
Had a busy but productive day. We had a meeting with Philhealth and UP Manila College of Pharmacy regarding a project. So excited for this project. Been reading a lot too about this. Gonna be super busy for the next…