• Books

    What I'm Reading Now: The Swan Thieves

    I have always wanted to read The Historian and The Swan Thieves both by Elizabeth Kostova. I am of course very elated when I was finally able to get hold of my own copy of The Swan Thieves.   Psychiatrist…

  • Daily Life

    Merry Christmas!

    Spent Christmas with my boyfriend and his family. On the way, we exchanged gifts. 🙂 Gave him a card and a silver bracelet and he gave me this huge “Crazy for You” ala Crunch chocolate pillow. Sooo cute! Thanks baby!…

  • Food,  Travel,  Work

    Cebu Day 2 – Training

    On my second day in Cebu, I woke up at 6am despite having slept so late last night. My lecture was scheduled to start at 9am so I just did “work from home” starting 7:30am. It was the time for…

  • Articles

    The English Plural

    We’ll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes, But the plural of ox becomes oxen, not oxes. One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese, Yet the plural of moose should never be meese. You may…

  • Daily Life

    When Laryngitis Hits

    It started with a sore throat on Thursday night. Then I started feeling that I’ll be coming down with the flu by Friday. By Saturday morning, I bought meds for cough (Dextromethorphan + Guaifenesin) and colds (Paracetamol + Phenylephrine). I…